Saturday, March 1, 2008

What I wanted to blog and what I am blogging - Two Entirely Different Things!

I have a half-finished blog to wrap-up the week and the pic of the week that I failed to post this week, but...ugh...just this once, I gotta say - I'm tired. Down to the bone tired. We have an insane week coming up. I go to great lengths to keep our schedule as light as possible because Spawn has swimming, speech therapy, and karate every week during the school year. That's 3 out of every 5 school days that we do only the basic subjects and use the other 2 days to make-up work. This week is completely over-booked and I'm kicking myself for doing this, but I had no choice. All are necessary evils. Gotta just pull up my big girl panties and get through the week.

Monday: Swimming 4:00
Tuesday: Speech Therapy 4:00
(Also my dad's birthday today.)
Wednesday: Pediatrician for ADHD med follow-up: 4:00
Thursday: Karate 4:00
Friday: PALCS DEIBEL Testing (at the library in town - at least they come to us for this!) 2:45

Notice how most of the appointments are scheduled for 4:00 pm? Spawn needs that routine. Friday is really going to screw him up. :( I still have to do a full day's lessons every day this week and even double up on some so we can work ahead and take off all of spring break week. The meds Spawn takes cause mild insomnia, so he only sleeps a few hours a day and goes to bed some time between 2 and 4 am. He's not even able to pull himself together to start his school day until after noon most days. If I could make all those classes and appointments 2 hours later, my life would be so much easier. :/ Then again, his meds only last about 5 hours, so his classes would be a write-off. I just haven't figured out how to cram a day into 5 hours yet. I'm worn down to a nubbin trying to cope with less than 6 hours sleep most days. I wonder how other parents of kids like Spawn cope. ???

You know those backpacks they make for long-distance runners? The ones that hold like 2 quarts of water and just have a straw that runs up the strap to the runner's mouth? Can I get one of those filled with Jack & Coke? I'll just curl up in a fetal ball and suck down the sauce from my backpack the rest of the weekend. Gawd I'm tired. :I

Chrissi, Cyber School Mom
(who's finally admitting to having a rough day)


Anonymous said...

Hi. I'm concerned that the side effects of DJ's medication seem quite severe. Is the "treatment" worse than the symptoms?

I also wonder how typical DJ's behavior is of gifted children in general. Some researchers (e.g. Thomas Stowell, "The Einstein Syndrome") believe that many gifted children are misdiagnosed with ADHD.

I'm a parent of two children who have been identified as gifted.

Best of luck!

Chrissi said...

Clearly you've replied to an older blog that I posted shortly after DJ began medication and behavior modification therapy and didn't read the more recent blogs detailing his successes in school and with his medication. I don't believe you've been fully informed on the subject of ADHD medication and behavior modification therapy. ADHD medication does not take immediate effect. There is an adjustment period of several weeks. (That's when this particular blog entry was published.) The medication builds up to last longer throughout the day over a period of weeks. During that time, it was our job to make the necessary changes to our schedule to provide him with a strict routine that would help him cope with his condition. It was an exhausting time. Parents who are faced with a choice like ours should know beforehand that it's hard work.

DJ now gets up and has breakfast at the same time every day. Makes his bed and does his chores. Cares for his kitten. He does school work according to a strict schedule, has periodic snacks throughout the day (in place of lunch) as well as routine breaks. He takes classes, goes to social group meetings, and plays sports on a regular schedule, has dinner the moment his medication wears off at 8 PM, and goes to bed at 10 every night.

I would suggest in future that you read beyond a single post to get the whole story before you post patronizing comments and pass judgement on hard-working parents who are doing their best by their child by putting his needs ahead of the family's needs. Please be aware that this is the last anonymous comment that I will read or moderate/approve to appear on our blog. We gladly welcome an open discussion on the subject, but posting patronizing comments anonymously doesn't indicate to us that a reader has an interest in open discussion.

Chrissi, Cyber School Mom

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