Thursday, September 2, 2010

Knoebels: Random Family Vacation Photos - Part 1

This little guy greeted us every day as we passed by the Lost Logger shop. I wanted to take him home with me, but we had NO room in the Explorer. :(

On our way out to the park, Spawn likes to wave to the kids on the train as they go by.

This might be the only time Spawn was in a mood to cooperate fully with picture-taking, so we took about a dozen of these shots. =D

Spawn LOST HIS EVER-LOVING MIND when we walked into the General Store and spotted this BUFFET of penny candy. =D

Spawn, covering his ears so he can hear his Cotton Candy Pop Rocks crackling inside his mouth.

Spawn's penny candy haul.

Spawn, watching a puppet show at The Lighthouse by The Wharf.

Spawn, at Phoenix Junction Steakhouse, ready to dig into his dinner. (Chicken, fries, Capri Sun, a banana, and animal crackers. I swear that bottomless pit has a hollow leg!)

CS Dad, digging into his Tuesday Night Steak Special. All for less than $8. :o

My dinner: cheese fries, deep-fried assorted veggies and ranch dip, and a bottle of water. You need not tell me how horrific-ly bad this meal was for me because it was delicious, so of course it was bad for me. :p

Chrissi, Cyber School Mom

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Great photos!!!! The little guy looks so happy!!

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