Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Spawn’s Supermegatotally Thrilladelic Not Bummer Summer: Day 6: Summer Adventure Mysteries!

Spawn was desperately in need of a "down" day yesterday. (We all were!) We spent a quiet day at home. Walt preparing for a job interview, me catching up on laundry, and giving my sciatica a rest, and Spawn playing with Legos, his Wii and avoiding the melting heat wave outside at all costs.

A heat wave is as good as a rainy day to introduce a quiet activity as far as I'm concerned, so Spawn started reading the very first Hardy Boys mystery ever written, The Hardy Boys #1: The Tower Treasure. 

Spawn wasn't much in the mood for photos yesterday either, so my apologies for the lack of pictures. He's a moody little Russian boy!

Chriss, Cyber School Mom

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