Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fun with Newspapers (and Scrap Paper!!!)

We are all about up-cycling in this house, so I've been on the hunt lately for paper crafts to use up some of the paper scraps and newspapers I can't bring myself to recycle without some sadness each week. The more vintage the craft - the happier I am. Imagine my utter joy when I discovered WhiMSy love's vintage, crafty, newspaper-centric blog posts last week!

Newspaper Crowns for Birthday Parties:

Newspaper Hats:

She even planned a whole birthday party for her daughter around vintage paper crafts and other vintage party games:

I love these paper toys, too, because I can use old one-side-printed-paper to run through the printer the other way and make fun new paper toys for the boy to keep him entertained all afternoon:

If anyone knows somewhere that I can get a copy of "50 Ways to Have Fun With Old Newspapers" (which is the book featured by WhiMSy love and now unfortunately out of print), I would be eternally grateful!

Chrissi, Cyber School Mom

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