Thursday, January 7, 2010

All I want for President's Day is my two front teefths!

Remember I mentioned Spawn lost some very important teeth over the break? He's actually missing three now, but the two big'uns came out over the winter break - one on Dec. 30, 2009, and one on Jan. 3, 2010. How many kids can say it took two years for both their front teeth to come out? ;)

Spawn's godmother, Auntie B, took these photos of him acting up at her house on the 5th:

The third missing tooth is on the bottom, left side. That silver thing on his right side is what he calls his 'Bionic Tooth' - a stainless steel cap that covers a molar he broke two summers ago.

Is that one of the craziest smiles you've seen, or what? =D AND - he has three more loose teeth - STILL!!! =D

The best part - Tabitha Tooth Fairy turned both of his front teeth into fancy shmancy two dollar bills. So we got to look up the history of the $2 bill and we worked in a little math by counting out the contents of his tooth fairy jar. =D Everything is a teachable moment! Woot!

I ♥ cyber schooling!

Chrissi, Cyber School Mom

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